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Children / Youth

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Mt. 19:14)

      Children's faith education starts at the very beginning in our homes with parents sharing our faith heritage. Children are like clay that can be molded according to Christ's principles. Hence, we must pay great attention to create a generation of youth who know Christ and recognize him in our Church: in the grace of the sacraments, in the prayers that are a part of our lives, and the community that supports us in times of sorrow as well as joy.

      Considering the importance of Children's faith formation, we, at Sts. Joachim and Anne Church, have faith formation catechism to the children every Sunday and special masses for them. Our Faith Formation team helps to provide faithful experiences and education to support you. We try to make the catechism lessons as interesting as possible through audio-video channels. We make them actively involve in the classes and in the liturgical activities. Periodical biblical competitions are also conducted to keep them interested. We take all possible measures to keep the children engaged with the liturgical celebrations and to instill strong faith in Jesus and in His Church.


Catechism Class

Participatory Structures

  • Parish Council
  • Parish Finance Committee
  • Anpiam